Lightning Legal Process Service, LLC.
Lightning Legal Process Service LLC was started in 2007 in downtown San Francisco with a P.O. Box as an address and one law firm as a client. Thanks to attention to details, quality of work, speed and accuracy, Lightning Legal has spread itself nationally and increased its portfolio of clients exponentially with not just law firms, but also directly for U.S. corporations as well.
Throughout the years, Lighting Legal Process Service, LLC has established a great reputation for a variety of services, including:
- Court Services
- Process Service
- Record Retrieval
- Subpoena Preparation
- And much moreā¦
Having a high-level of knowledge goes a long way in the legal service business, and Lighting Legal Process Service, LLC has that level of knowledge and expertise. When you invest in our company, you are investing in a company that puts its people first. Each member of our professional staff will work above and beyond to ensure that your assignments are handled accurately, and in a timely manner.
We understand the importance of your documents, which is why we are always on-schedule with our assignment completions, making sure the final product not only meets your expectations, but exceeds them.